The World Elderly Abuse Awareness Program

The Dementia Care Foundation organized The World Elderly Abuse Awareness Program on 2nd July 2022 in The Dementia Hall at CURI Hospital. The main aim of the program is to make the people aware of abuse that occurs amongst the elderly and steps you could take to curb it. The two main speakers who spoke in the program were Dr. Sridhar Vaitheshwaran, Consultant Psychiatrist of Schizophrenic Research Foundation India and Mr. Babu Krishnamoorthy,Investment Consultant at Finsherpa Investments. Dr. Shridhar Vaitheshwaran spoke on topics like the different types of abuse that elderly face and some practical cases that he had observed. Mr. Babu Krishnamoorthy talked about the steps that elderly must take to make themselves financially independent and prevent themselves from being victims of financial abuse.
