Dementia Day Care Center

The Dementia Day care is a carefully structured respite care program which incorporates elements of cognitive retraining with every task and also offers specialised cognitive rehabilitation program for the elders and their family.

An elder who is to be a part of the program will undergo an in-depth clinical assessment by the clinical psychologist and physiotherapist part of TDCF. This is done to help plan the activities as well as to personalise the cognitive rehabilitation.

The tasks and activities are empirical and based on sound research on the care for dementia, the program starts at the first of the month and is completed at the end of the month and the cycle is refreshed,with a repeat assessment.

The elder’s health is continuously monitored to help provide quality feedback to the treating physician and also to ensure a better quality of life of the elder and his or her family.

The program insists on the participation of caregivers and therefore a whole day is dedicated to caregiver training, addressing caregiver distress as wtell as providing multifactorial information on dementia.

In addition to the above services we also provide food and transportation as an added service: Elders who are a part of the program can avail lunches at our facility as prescribed by the dietician and/or existing diet protocol.

We can offer transport for the elder with Dementia from their home to the Day Care Centre at reduced rates to help improve the accessibility as well as to ensure consistency of intervention is provided.

For further details on the same, please contact us.
